Tuesday, September 22, 2009

HOMEWORK #2: Comment

Hey Binta --

Your post here is so interesting. I love how you connected the ideas you're talking about to your state of mind directly at the time you were writing it.

The points you bring up about what we're willing to show about ourselves to other people, I can really relate to that. It reminds me of a thought I was having while reading the lecture - are we actually "absolute individuals" who cannot fully understand each other because we can't see beyond subjectivity or are we only unable to fully understand each other because we are afraid to expose ourselves to the people around us or believe that they won't understand (self fulfilling prophecy kind of thing)?

Your talking about people "hiding things about themselves" and questioning whether doing so is two-faced or not also connects to the later parts of the lecture...playing roles and making excuses and whether those roles and excuses are actually 'real'.

I especially like how you discuss the feeling of really loving somebody else and wondering what that could mean if we can't really connect to somebody else. I guess that's something no one will ever really be able to figure out. Even not thinking about it in an existential way, it's clear that it's impossible to have the entirety of someone else's mind spelled out to you. Maybe that's part of what it's all about -- the total vulnerability of loving someone when you can never know exactly what they're thinking or how they feel and or if their feelings will change.

I hope this actually made some sense, haha. :)

- Amanda

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